hey i have a question. what do you do if you like this guy and he likes you but you cant go out because no one will allow it because of the age difference being 7 years and his current job position? would you go out in secret or forget about the hole getting together thing knowing that the two are crazy about each other? this isn't about me, it was just on my mind.


quirky-flick said...

Well baby it better not be about you coz i thought we had a thing going on just me and you no one else or at least i hoped!
I still love ya my bootylicious girl(this is a joke)
PEACE oh and im leaving this comment coz you no one else had and i feel sorry for you nah.. i love ya!

memoeblog said...

oh thanks flick but you didnt answer my question> yeah, u imagin alot of things. good 1.xoxox

stacey said...

well if you like him you go out with him baby girl....

memoeblog said...

omg. you are soooo rite stacey. guesse who it is stacey.... take a guesse who it is. buddie from the cinema.

krissieblah said...

Hmmm, this is a bit tricky...I would have to say unless you want a whole heap of drama dont go near these situations...love comes after lust and lust aint worth the pain...love is but we havent made it that far...besides...the law says 15 years olds are not of a legal age...its called carnal knowledge...maybe we could look at this in our court scenario...its an interesting area that a lot of people dont understand...hmmm..what do you think??

Moe, this is an awesome site...you go girl...!!


WiLd_At _HeArT said...

Hi It's Bella... I wouldn't go near him cause me been with an 18 yr old has caused so many drama's for me but I love him so much that I just can't let him go so on that point, I say follow your heart kk Luv ya....